William Lowery

Hometown: New Bern, North Carolina

Do you have minors or areas of emphasis? Public Administration, BS in Community and Regional Planning/MS in planning and development Accelerated Degree Program

Please share your career goal(s): Promoting the aspect of more mixed-use and environmentally conscious development, while also promoting the protection and enhancement of Open Space.

Hobbies/interestPlaying golf and spending time with my wife and our three dogs

Clubs and organizations: Student Planners Action Network

Dream job: Planning Director or City/County Manager

Role model: My father

What has been your favorite part of Pirate Planning program?  My favorite part of the Pirate Planning program is the close relationships that are built. Also, the amount of knowledge that is provided by the faculty has been a great experience. Having both the educational and professional side of the planning field has allowed all of us to gain increased knowledge in the field of planning.