Kaylyn A. Levine

Teaching Assistant Professor
Community & Regional Planning


Curriculum Vitae (PDF)


PhD, Community and Regional Planning, University of Texas at Austin
MS, Applied Urban Science and Informatics, New York University
BS, Environmental Science, University of California – Los Angeles


Areas of Interest:Transportation Planning, Mobility Justice, Accessible Urban Systems and Spaces, Critical Disability Studies, Equitable Built Environments, Public Transit, Access to Opportunity, Active Transportation, Environmental Justice

Dr. Levine’s work connects transportation planning and critical social science research. Her mixed-methods approach to transportation challenges links mobility justice with accessible urban systems, focusing on access to opportunity for disabled people and marginalized communities. She is passionate about planning inclusive public spaces and transportation systems. Previously, Dr. Levine conducted research on equity practices at public transit agencies in the U.S., measures of access to opportunity for MPOs and state DOTs, and the relationship between racial equity and public transit.

Dr. Levine’s current project leverages sidewalk data in a pedestrian network analysis and interviews with disabled transit riders to evaluate first and last mile access to public transit. The project highlights the tensions between data, experiences, and agency coordination for pedestrian and public transit planning. This work situates first and last mile trips within the complex, socio-political realm of the existing built environment and social systems, linking intersectionality, social exclusion, equitable active transportation, micromobility, and public health.

Dr. Levine’s work appears in peer-reviewed journals, including Transport Policy and the Transportation Research Record.


Courses Taught

  • PLAN 4075: Transportation Planning
  • PLAN 6075: Transportation Planning and Policy
  • PLAN 6100: Research Design in Planning