Planner-in-Residence Archives

Apr 30, 2024
  • Merrill Flood

The Big Ending

Eight BS in Community and Regional Planning program students successfully presented their capstone practicum projects from PLAN4099: Planning Practicum (instructor: Prof. Merrill Flood, Planner-in-Residence) on April 30, 2024, at ECU’s...

Dec 30, 2023
  • Angela Richter

Planner-in-Residence: Ms. Angela Richter

Full Name: Angela Richter Pronouns: she/her Current Title/Position: Consultant Hometown: Waco, Texas Hobbies: flower gardening, quilting, crafting Colleges Attended and Degrees: Villanova University, Villanova, PA, B.A. Environmental Studies (2011) University...

Dec 18, 2023
  • Merrill Flood

Planning Studio Students Engage with Eastern NC Communities

The BS Community and Regional Planning degree requires two capstone projects. Seniors must successfully complete them in a small group studio (PLAN4096) in the fall semester and an individual practicum...

Aug 07, 2023
  • Lee Padrick

Planner-in-Residence: Mr. Lee Padrick

Full Name: Elwood Lee Padrick Pronouns: he/him/his Current Title/Position: Special Projects Coordinator, Mid-East Commission Hometown: La Grange, NC Hobbies: Surfing, fishing, fitness Colleges Attended and Degrees: East Carolina University, B.S.,...

Feb 02, 2023
  • ECU News Service

ECU student planning project helps town revitalization

Three Alumni Award winers
Jul 25, 2022
  • Misun Hur

2022 Planning Distinguished Alumni Awards

The ECU Planning Alumni Advisory Board established the Planning Distinguished Alumni Award, which recognizes alumni for their outstanding achievements in the planning profession, service to society, or the ECU planning...

Michelle Nance banner image
Jul 20, 2022
  • Michelle Nance

Planner-in-Residence: Ms. Michelle Nance, FAICP

Full name:  Michelle E. Nance, FAICP Pronouns: She/her/hers Current title/position:  Deputy Executive Director, Centralina Regional Council; Served as Planning Director for 10 years at Centralina after serving as Planning Director in...

May 17, 2022
  • Misun Hur

Regional Transformation One At A Time

All senior students in BS Community and Regional Planning program must complete two capstone projects--a group project in PLAN4096: Planning Studio in the last Fall semester and an individual project...

May 17, 2022
  • Misun Hur

Noteworthy Practice Recognition

The Planning Accreditation Board highlights the Community and Regional Planning Program’s Planners-in-Residence program as a “Noteworthy Practice” under the “Student Engagement in the Profession” category. The Planning Accreditation Board (PAB)...

Dec 10, 2021
  • Misun Hur

Fall 2021 Planning Studio Presentations

Senior students in the BS Community and Regional Planning program require to complete two capstone classes: Planning Studio in Fall and Planning Practicum in Spring. In Fall 2021, students in...