Burrell Montz

A-228 Brewster
Curriculum Vitae

PhD, University of Colorado, Boulder
MS, Oklahoma State University
BA, Mary Washington College


Interests: Natural Hazards, Water Resources Management, Environmental Impact Analysis, Environmental Planning and Policy

Burrell Montz is Professor of Geography in the Department of Geography, Planning and Environment at East Carolina University. She received her BA from Mary Washington College, her MS from Oklahoma State University, and her Ph.D. from the University of Colorado, Boulder. Prior to coming to East Carolina, Dr. Montz was on the faculty at Binghamton University in New York where, among other positions, she directed the Environmental Studies Program.

Throughout her career, she has been involved in teaching and research on natural hazards, water resources management, and environmental impact analysis. She started her career looking at responses to flooding in the Northeastern United States, the topic of her Master’s thesis. Before embarking on an academic career, Dr. Montz was an Environmental Planner and has since addressed such topics as the effects of flooding on property values, perceptions of risk, and responses to warnings. She is also involved in research relating to the vulnerability of communities to the impacts climate change as projected in future flood scenarios and water management issues associated with pharmaceuticals and personal care products. She has been fortunate to have been able to work in such places as Slovenia and New Zealand, as well as numerous locations throughout the US.

Dr. Montz teaches the following courses:

PLAN 4250 Environmental Impact Analysis
PLAN 4270 Water Resources Management & Planning
PLAN 6250 Advanced Environmental Impact Analysis
PLAN 6270 Adv. Water Resources Manage. & Plan.