Jordan Reedy

Hometown: Frederick, MD
When did you graduate? Spring 2018
Your title, organization, and town. Transportation Planner, Rocky Mount MPO, City of Rocky Mount
Please share your career goal(s). Improve mobility and safety for all modes of transportation, and to create a function transportation network that further supports economic and residential development
Hobbies/interest: Hiking, Skateboarding, Cooking
Clubs and Organizations: Former SPAN member, Tar River Transit Board, RM MPO Technical Coordinating Committee
Dream Job: Principle Transportation Planner
Role Model: Donald Reedy – Father
Was there something about the ECU Pirate Planning program that you especially liked? The small class sizes, and personal relationships built with the planning faculty, truly made the program feel like a second family. The diversity among my peers and professors alike created classrooms with a very real world feel, and these experiences properly prepared me for planning in a diverse municipality.
Please share your experience with the ECU Pirate Planning program. Enrolling in the ECU Community Planning Program was one of the best decisions I have ever made. The course work provides students with an understanding of the fundamentals of planning, while also diving into current trends and issues in the planning world. I have nothing but great things to say about the Pirate Planning Program, and I would recommend the program to anyone with an interest in local government, transportation, environmental justice, history, law, etc… My experience with the program couldn’t have been any better, and I would go back and do it again if I could!