Photo: William Stanton (right, green shirt) leads a public input meeting for the Farmville Greenway Initiative William Stanton, a Junior Planning student, is having the busiest summer ever! He is taking two internships at the Pitt County Planning Department and at the Uptown Greenville as an ECU Public Service Fellow. He also participate in the Farmville Greenway Project lead by Dan Hamme.
"O a site visit for Pitt County. I was gathering information on boat rams along the tar river to prepare for emergencies."
"On a site visit for Pitt County evaluating the roads making sure they are up to DOT standards."
"Me at Pitt County working on a map."
"Public input meeting for the Farmville greenway initiative"
"At the umbrella market which happens every Wednesday for uptown Greenville"
"After a stakeholder meeting for the Farmville greenway initiative."