Everyone Counts

Anna Willis, a planning senior student, is featured on ECU News.

During the 2019-2020 year, the Census 2020 promotion was the major goal for SPAN. Students offered the Census promotional tables, made presentations in planning classes (with James Rhodes, the Pitt County Planning Director), and participated in various campus dialogs.

SPAN officers (Anna Willis (center), Heather Mosesso (left), and Kevin Cheruvathoor (right)) during a promotional event

To read the news from the ECU site, visit https://news.ecu.edu/2020/04/17/everyone-counts/. 

“As college-aged students are one of the most undercounted populations in Pitt County, I hope to educate the student population on the importance of filling out the census,” Willis said. “The most important effort I have made sure to note through our census tables on campus has been to make sure the students fill the form out themselves.” (from the ECU News)